Adventure #1
Nowra to Bathurst

The first day of our trip we went to Huskisson to get our tow bar fixed. We had to wait for the mechanics to get the tow bar mended so we walked around the block. (Raymond)

After leaving home late in the afternoon we decided to stop for our first overnight rest at Burrill Lake only 40 mins South from our home.

We went for a walk at Burrill Lake. During our walk we went to the beach. We made sandcastles, I made a turtle and eggs. I made a small turtle. The next morning we travelled to Canberra. We visited Auntie Vanessa. (Melissa)

Our first overnight stop at Burril Lake NSW.

After pointing out Telecom Tower and other attractions to the children, we left Canberra and arrived at my Grandmothers near Grenfell for an enjoyable visit.

At my Aunt and Uncles place across the road I helped my Aunt with some gardening while the children experienced their first slaughter of a lamb. (Mummy)

We went in a cave and we made a fire and played with the puppies. (Sarah)

Grandma's farm near Grenfell NSW.