The NAUG "Executive"

President David Reynolds, never misses a chance to catch up on the news. Phone (02) 4443 7665, e-mail.
Vice President Ian Hoult, Medical Macman. If you've got a medical query he'll know where to find it on the 'net. Phone (02) 4421 8299, e-mail.

Treasurer Rhonda Silver, without whom we'd probably have no money. And yes she's always smiling. Has a lovely B&B establishment. Phone (02) 4422 0101
Secretary Kevin Smith. Has a shed full of good deals for you in software and hardware. e-mail.

Public Domain Software & Hire manager, Angie Ommundson . With suitcases full of CDs & floppies she has most of the Mac PD ever made. Phone (02) 4441 6355, e-mail

Sysop Stephen Rogers. Another typically cheery Macuser, Steve keeps the BBS going and is generally all round useful. Phone (02) 4421 0066, e-mail.

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