Many thanks to the performers, who donated their time and talent to the East Timor cause!
thanks, too, to the Canberra School of Music,
and to all the people who assisted, particularly Belinda Webster,
who did most of the organisation as well as preparing and designing the printed program
tickets, $10 and $5 (concession), were available from Kangaroo Valley Newsagency, Moss Vale Rd
the program consisted of:
Suite for two guitars
William Lawes [1602-1645] |
Valses Poéticos for solo guitar
Enrique Granados [1867-1916], arr. Rupert Boyd |
four Preludes for solo cello:
twfrom Cello Suite no 1 in G major, BWV1007
twfrom Cello Suite no 2 in D minor, BWV1008
twfrom Cello Suite no 3 in C major, BWV1009
twfrom Cello Suite no 6 in D major, BWV1012
J. S. Bach |
Brindabella Night for solo cello
David Pereira |
Stélé for solo guitar
Philip Houghton [b. 1954] |
second movement of Kolele Mai for solo guitar
tw**first performance**
Martin Wesley-Smith [b. 1945] |
Monte Carlo for solo guitar
Peter Madlem [b. 1945] |
from the concert:
Jacob Cordover |
David Pereira |
Rupert Boyd |
A review by Jim Dorrington (from the Village Voice, Kangaroo Valley, December 2003):
Chamber music has been described as the making of music amongst friends. This seems to be the expectation of the folks gathered in the School of Arts (Kangaroo Valley Hall) recently to listen to David Pereira on 'cello and Jacob Cordover and Rupert Boyd on guitars. The first suite by William Lawes confirmed the expectation as the two guitars conversed and travelled together to create a quiet but vibrant mood.
The classical guitar is still sometimes referred to as the Spanish guitar and Rupert's playing of his own arrangement of the "Valses Poeticos" by Granados reflected their Spanish origins. Granados and his compatriot Albeniz wrote their music for the piano but must have soaked up guitar music into their young bones, as transcriptions of their music fit so well on the guitar.
J.S.Bach wrote six suites for solo 'cello and David chose to play four of the Preludes to illustrate something of the differing atmospheres of the various keys. Bach's ability to create a sense of timelessness allied to a strong movement remain a mystery evoked by David's wonderful playing.
After the interval David continued with his own work "Brindabella Night", composed in conjunction with a painter. We did not need specific images to be taken into the magical areas of natural beauty of sunset, night and dawn when experienced in a bush setting. A more domestic mood was conveyed of the playfulness of a child in the movement entitled "Forgotten Playground".
Philip Houghton was the next Australian composer featured when Jacob played his four movement work "Stele". I first met Philip over twenty years ago when he came to Bowral as a guitarist playing duets with a partner named Sebastian. Connections everywhere! Being a player was clearly too limiting for Philip's fertile imagination and he is now known internationally for his idiomatic guitar compositions. It is no surprise to find out that he was trained as a visual artist. Jacob gave a stunning rendition of "Stele", a work inspired by Greek mythology, art and landscape. Again it was not necessary to have specific images in the mind to be carried along with the drive and vitality of this music.
For our third Australian composer it got even better. He was there with us! Rupert had the pleasure of presenting a world premiere performance of the second movement of "Kolele Mai" by Martin Wesley-Smith. As David had mentioned earlier, different keys have different atmospheres and the key of E minor, especially when a good part of the melody is in the bass, is ideally suited to the reflective resonances of the guitar.
The three performers were flawless in their performance with the only moment of uncertainty occurring when Rupert tried to identify and thank the composer. I don't think anyone told him that Martin had a twin brother.
The recital finished in fine upbeat style with the guitar duet "Monte Carlo" by Peter Madlem, an English composer, followed, amid much delight, by a John Dowland Galliard played by four hands on one guitar. I have a theory that John Dowland and son were good mates of Shakespeare and this last duet could well have been played in a Thames-side pub after a performance at the Globe.
In spite of all the European connections this was a thoroughly Australian afternoon. Good needed rain on the tin roof of an unpretentious village hall; Australian compositions played by top-flight musicians and the grandson of Arthur Boyd continuing an Australian artistic tradition. All this combined with a practical demonstration of the generosity of Australians in that the players and organisers gave their time and talents freely so that proceeds could go to help the people of East Timor. Chamber music in Kangaroo Valley - music amongst friends in a spirit of friendliness. It doesn't get any better than this.
David Pereira
Since late 1990 David Pereira has been Senior Lecturer in Cello at the Canberra School of Music. While fostering young talent there he continues to be in demand as a performer, appearances including the Sydney Festival, the Sydney Spring International Festival of New Music as well as giving solo recitals and concerto performances. During the last twenty years David has established himself as an outstandingly versatile cellist while holding the most coveted positions in the country. He was for eleven years cellist of the Australia Ensemble, for seven years Principal Cellist of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, and for three years Principal Cello with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Other associates in performance have included Flederman, The Seymour Group, Sydney String Quartet, The String Soloists of the Berlin Philharmonic, Felix Ayo, The Chilingirian Quartet and Roger Woodward, as well as all major orchestras in Australia. David has made nine solo recordings for Tall Poppies, including Music for Cello [TP136, music by Peter Sculthorpe], Bach: the Cello Suites [TP144], and Uluru [TP096]. Click here for more information.
Rupert Boyd
was born into Australia's "royal family of art" and began playing the guitar at the age of 8. Whilst completing the last two years of high school, Rupert started studying with the illustrious guitar performer and pedagogue Tim Kain. In 2002 Rupert won first place in the open chamber music section of the National Eisteddfod.
Jacob Cordover
began learning the classical guitar in Melbourne at the age of eleven. At thirteen, he was awarded a full musical scholarship to study at Wesley College as part of their Special Interest Music Department. In 2000, he moved to study with Tim Kain at the Canberra School of Music.
In 2001 Jacob was awarded second prize in the Classical Guitar Society of South Australia's Adelaide Spring Classical Guitar Festival Open Competition. In 2002 he was awarded first place in the Classical Guitar Open Section at the McDonalds Performing Arts Challenge. In October of this year he performed with the Australian National University School of Music Orchestra as the soloist in Nigel Westlake¹s Antarctica Concerto for solo guitar and orchestra.
The Kangaroo Valley-Remexio Partnership
After the destruction and killing which swept East Timor in September 1999, a small group of KV residents felt a need to do something. A partnership was discussed with an East Timorese village and the Kangaroo Valley-Remexio Partnership was formed. Now three years on, we have a mix of vital local and district people working with many East Timorese in Australia and East Timor.
Remexio is a small village in the hills about one hour's drive south of Dili.
The KV-RP is a "bottom up" or "grass roots" approach to helping the East Timorese help themselves. We hope to assist the East Timorese achieve dignified living through health, education, justice and ecologically sustainable industry. We selectively try to help in ways that are different from those of the UN and other NGOs.
Rather than large single projects, we pursue a multitude of small, personal and usually integrated activities. Being substantially self-funded, and consistent with our philosophy, our material contributions are small. Instead, we rely on sharing our existing skills in day to day situations.
We pursue long-term personal relationships with the East Timorese and actively encourage this approach in others. That part which is conducted in Australia is the provision of education and training to those who have appropriate interests and aptitudes for leadership and mentoring roles back in East Timor.
We now enjoy the beginnings of likely long-term relationships with numerous on-going activities. In addition, much of our involvement is outside of Remexio, in other parts of East Timor, as well as in active networking within Australia. Along the way we have tried to identify the best and worst of our respective Australian and East Timorese lifestyles, to better influence both our paths into the future.
left: kids in Remexio, March 2002
KV-RP is largely self-funded but donations are always very helpful. If made to "AFAP KV-Remexio Partnership" they will be tax deductible (AFAP - Australian Foundation for the Peoples of Asia and the Pacific Ltd - is our umbrella group, which is recognised by the ATO for tax deductibility).
We cover all our own expenses such as air fares, accommodation etc as well as all administration overheads. 100% of funds raised from the public go directly towards helping the East Timorese and are fully accounted for. Donors may request that their funds be directed towards particular areas of their own special interest, such as health, education, etc.
for more information, see
Paul Turnock (02 4465 1357)
Kangaroo River Hall, Kangaroo Valley, 2.30pm, Sun Nov 23 2003
for more information, e-mail Belinda Webster
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html by Dirty Dan Pump-Out
page last updated Nov 24 2003