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Whats happening around our national parks? Comment sought on Biodiversity and Access The Gondwana Program

Whats happening around our national parks?

100 National Parks!!

The recent creation of 24 new National Parks in NSW has brought the total National Parks for the state to 100. The new parks include NSW Jervis Bay National Park and South East Forest National Park. South East Forest National Park links the previously separate Bemboka, Tantawangalo, Coolangubra and Genoa national parks with an additional 45,000 hectares of former state forest. The north end of the park adjoins Wadbilliga National Park and the south end adjoins Coopracambra National Park in Victoria creating a 150 km corridor.

The new parks, nature reserves and state recreation areas (37 in total); as well as additions to 43 existing parks and reserves represent a wide range of habitat and vegetation communities and mark a milestone for conservation.

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Comment sought on Biodiversity and Access

One of the requirements of the Threatened Species Act 1995 was the preparation of a Biodiversity Strategy. NPWS has collaborated with other bodies to prepare a draft Strategy for NSW. The draft Strategy places responsibility for biodiversity on the whole community, including government, the private sector, non-government organisations, Aboriginal communities and the general community.

The Draft Strategy focuses on major contemporary issues in biodiversity conservation including:

WS has also prepared a Draft Public Access Strategy. Both documents are available at the Nowra and Fitzroy Falls NPWS offices and public comment is sought. Submissions for either will be received up to 26th September 1997.

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The Gondwana Program

Gondwana is the name chosen for a new program set up for supporters of NSW national parks. The programme involves people in park activities and conservation projects as well as providing easier access to parks and quality information about them. Supporters who purchase a National parks annual pass provide funds for practical tasks such as walking tracks, informative signage, visitor facilities and children's activities and receive a resource kit designed to help people to enjoy and experience national parks even more. For further information contact the Gondwana Centre (02) 9337 2777

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